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Colour Pet Portrait - Request a quote

For a quote based on your photo and print options, please complete the form below and then email your photos. 


After submitting your form please email your photo to We'll get back to you with a price, lead time and a link to place your order in our online shop if you'd like to go ahead.

Email your photo

Photos need to be emailed at the original size they were taken or as close as possible, so that when zoomed into there is enough detail visible to create a portrait.

If you have been sent a photo via whatsapp, or it's been taken from social media or a screenshot it will probably be too small to work from. 


​Photos that have been emailed need to be emailed at the original resolution or at least a large size. This can be set up in email software. Here's a guide for emailing photos if you have an iPhone.


Please email your photo to If your unsure about your photo please read our advice on photo choice.

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